Anka India Limited
BCC Fuba Limited
Combat Drugs Limited
Danube Industrires Limited
Frontier Informatics Limited
Inanna Fashion & Trends Limited
Meenakshi Mercantiles Limited
Onesource Techmedia Limited
Regency Investments Limited
Renaissance Jewellery Limited
Salem Erode and Investments Limited
Sangam Renewables Limited
Sumeet Industries Limited
TCM Limited
Tulive Developers Limited
Udaipur Cottom Mills Limited
Zenith Fibres Limited
Gokul Refoils and Solvent Limited
Rushil Decor Limited
Sigachi Industries
Prem Somani Financial Services Limited
Tejassvi Aaharam Limited
Hi-Klass Trading and Investment Limited
SDC Techmedia Limited
M. B. Parikh Finstocks Limited
Neelamalai Agro Industries Limited
Modern Converters Limited
SIEL Financial Services Limited
Pentokey Organy (India) Limited
Bannari Amman Spinning Mills Limited
Mahalaxmi Rubtech Limited
Aruna Hotels Limited
Onesource Ideas Venture Limited
ASM Technologies Limited
Som Distilleries and Breweries Limited
Beardsell Limited
Choice International Limited
Sicagen India Limited
W.S. Industries (India) Limited
Davangere Sugar Company Limited
Anjani Portland Cement Limited
Orient Green Power Company Limited
TCI Developers Limited
Udayshivakumar Infra Limited
DCX Systems Limited
Rushil Decor Limited: 2022-23
Phaarmasia Limited
Raj Oil Mills Limited
Mittal Life Style Limited
Enbee Trade & Finance Limited
Narmada Gelatines Limited
Archana Software Limited
Amrutanjan Health Care Limited
Anglo-French Drugs and Industries Limited
Zodiac-JRD-MKJ Limited
Miven Machine Tools Limited
ICL Fincorp Limited - 2023
Thambbi Modern Spinning Mills Limited
Affordable Robotic & Automation Limited
Times Guaranty Limited
SM Auto Stamping Limited
India Radiators Limited
Orbit Exports Limited
Orient Green Power Company Limited: 2024-25
Tolin Tyres Limited
RKD Agri & Retail Limited
ICL Fincorp Limited - 2024 (Tranche 2)
Flora Textiles Limited
Shardul Securities Limited
ArMee Infotech Limited
Vaghani Techno-Build Limited
LCC Infotech Limited
Premium Merchants Limited
Savita Oil Technologies Limited
Enbee Trade & Finance Limited 2024
Weizmann Limited
Anglo-French Drugs & Industries Limited - 2024
ICL Fincorp Limited - 2024 (Tranche 3)
Ironwood Education Limited
India Gelatine & Chemicals Limited
Bannari Amman Spinning Mills Limited 2024-25
Pharmaids Pharmaceuticals Limited
Cupid Breweries and Distilleries Limited
The information compiled herein is in accordance with the disclosure requirements with regard to the track record of the public issues managed by Saffron Capital Advisors Private Limited, ("Saffron Capital") arising out of the SEBI Circular No. CIR/MIRSD/1/2012 dated January 10, 2012. This information is gathered from the Prospectus/Tranche Prospectus/Shelf Prospectus of the Issuer, as amended, and from the filings made by the Issuer with the BSE Limited ("BSE") and the National Stock Exchange of India Limited ("NSE" and together with the BSE, the "Stock Exchanges") from time to time, price-volume data available on the website of the Stock Exchanges, other sources as disclosed herein and information / clarifications provided by the Issuer. While reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information provided herein is accurate and is taken from the sources that we believe are reliable, the user of this information may independently verify the accuracy of the information before taking any decision based on the above information. Notwithstanding the above, Saffron Capital does not make any express or implied representation or warranty as to the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of the information or data contained herein and shall not be liable in any manner for the same. Neither Saffron Capital nor any of its affiliates or their directors, officers and employees will be responsible or be liable for any loss or damage including any loss of profits incidental or consequential damage, howsoever arising, suffered or incurred by any person accessing and / or using this information. The person accessing and utilizing the information is accordingly once again advised to independently verify the information and satisfy himself about the adequacy, accuracy and completeness for his specific requirement.